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Infinity Quest Issue 5

In a green dream haze, our heroes witness Ghost Detective shoot and kill Charles Xavier and then himself.

Reality shatters, and Hiroshi and Doctor Fallow awaken in a forest clearing. They discuss their circumstances some, before being greeted by a Doctor Donald Blake.

He talks to them some, and they convince him that they are refugees heading to Wakanda with head trauma. He takes them to his encampent of fellow refugees where he wants to examine them and treat them, and leaves them in a medical tent for a few minutes.

They discuss their situation more, before being interrupted by a young woman, Gwen Stacy, who examines them. She gives them a relatively clean bill of health, despite them both acting odd, and leaves. The two of them learn that their reflections are that of other people.

Doctor Fallow also reveals that he has the Time Stone to Hiroshi. Hiroshi freaks out.

Donald Blake joins them again to discuss some with them. They question him some, and convince him they are not from this reality. Hiroshi manages to see "Be he Worthy" inscribed upon Blake's walking stick, and eventually get him to turn into Thor and regain his memories. Doctor Fallow's Time Stone appears and he looks into the past and future to understand more of what is happening. They both decide to wake up.

They do not tell the rest of the Postulants about the dreams, or the Time Stone, although it appears they all had dreams of that reality.

The Kree delcare war on Xandar.

Meanwhile, in the past, Ghost Detective and his crew meet with Wolverine, Charles Xavier, and Erik Lensherr.

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